Project description: Noise cancellation technology for factory environments.
Funding source: Norwegian R&D Programe. Substantially subsidized for first implementation.
Collaboration partners:
Executive summary:
Polytec is an Norwegian R&D organization working in different areas. One idea they are currently developing is a noise canceling technology for industrial applications. Their idea is to use special electrically activated materials applied on strategic places on the equipment in order to counterbalance the vibrations produced by the equipment itself. This would result in a reduction of db noise level at a given location by reducing the vibration at the source and also eliminating the vibration ramifications throughout the connected structures.
Its important to note that this technology is also expected to reduce fatigue of the parts and therefore extend the life of the equipment.
Polytec is interested in contacting possible candidates willing to test this technology in order to perform “proof of concept” tests.
The proof of concept is divided into two parts (Diagnosis and Cure).
The Diagnosis part is at no cost whatsoever to the testing partner. This part will assess the current db status and collect data on all the sources for the modeling programs to predict the expected impact if the final noise reduction.
After the Diagnosis is done, a mathematical model of the Cure will be performed and predictions of benefits calculated and presented. At this point a proposal for a Cure will be presented. Since this is R&D work, for the first installation, the costs of the Cure is expected to be heavily subsidized in order make this first implementation relatively inexpensive to the customer.
Benefits for the extrusion test partner:
- Reduction of noise level in the factory and/or offices.
- There is no cost or compromise associated with the Diagnosis.
- The first implementation would be heavily subsidized and therefore you will be able to test this state of the art technology for a very competitive price.
Description of project:
1: Diagnosis.
For a potential customer this will be free of charge.
2 – 3 days to get an overview of the nature of the vibrations of the equipment and the audible noise in the press environment. Measurements should be carried out over some time and under different operation conditions.
-> Measurement of noise level at the work place
-> Measurement of vibrations on the equipment and attached structures (if any)
Expected outcome
-> Identification of sources of the vibration/noise and details about frequency and amplitude of the vibrations (Vibration spectrum)
-> Identification of structural elements causing resonance
-> Identification of noise bridges
With this information it is possible to estimate
-> Potential noise/vibration reduction [dB]
-> Correct placement of actuators and sensors
-> Implementation cost
2: Cure.
The time needed will depend on the findings from the “diagnosis” step. A qualified guess is in the range 1 – 3 weeks. For the first implementation more time may be needed. We suggest that for a first customer substantial discounts should be granted. And at any rate the customer will decide if the wants the implementation given the findings (cost/benefits).
The cure will include the following steps:
-> Installation of sensors and actuators on the equipment. This may be challenging if space and access give limitations.
-> Connections to control unit.
-> Programming of control software.
-> Tuning and optimisation.
For us the “diagnosis” round will be very useful since we need this in order to get a general idea of the resources needed for a working installation. We are therefore interested in doing this without any obligations for the customer.
If the noise situation is complex it may also be a possibility to split up the “cure” and attack the most dominant vibration source first.
For more information please contact Stiehl Consulting.